Greth-of-Choas - For being the most understanding brother and friend I have ever had.
TomFulp - For creating this site!
WadeFulp - For being a nice admin. I have yet to pwn you at Halo 3!
Luis - For being a fair mod and letting some things off the hook.
BlueHippo - For being a nice, helpful and useful mod.
Kidray76 - For helping us all out on "Rage's Gift to You: Abusive Reviews".
McFooFa - For being the most hysterical user on this site, and because everyone knows: McFooFa did it!
AsftrwR - For spamming all of us at "Rage's Gift to You: Abusive Reviews", and getting me tons of whistle points.
DanWandin - For helping Tristan and me with our new collab.
Officer - For not giving a fuck when I stole his banner :p.
PyroFlameProductions - For being a big help to Tristan and me with our website. Thanks.
Zoke - For making my sig!
jokerscard - For posting an extreme amount of abusive reviews to "Rage's Gift to You: Abusive Reviews".
IngramJ - Yet another helper on Rage's.
RKThrilla - For posting abusive reviews on Rage's, and because he asked.
peach77777 - For no real reason... Just because she asked.
Sk8erGirl13 - Just because...
Want to be on the list? Leave a comment and I'll consider it.