ERROR - You have been temporarily banned from posting to the BBS for 3 days. You have 1 day, 4 hours, 28 minutes and 38 seconds left until your ban is lifted. Do not attempt to create a secondary account to get around this ban. If we find evidence of you doing so all of your accounts will be terminated.
Reason for ban: no referral links period. in posts for in sigs. - bigbadron
I feel so... Unhappy.
P.S. Since I am banned I will have to post my part for the collab here. Link.
Any comments or suggestions? Leave a comment. or PM me.
EDIT: Here's a picture, it's pretty blurry but I have the same message above so it's no big deal ;).
Nice walking animation...But he stops near the door...lolz...
He is supposed to, he just walks up to it and it opens for him. He will walk through it and fall off a cliff.
Then something happens at the bottom of the cliff where he bounces back up ;).